Sunday, October 24, 2010

Lions and tigers and guerrillas, oh my!

Guerrilla advertising is fun. That's what makes it so effective. People see advertising in places they wouldn't normally expect to see it, and if it's good it'll make them smile, or at least react in some way (hopefully a positive one). But the point is, most times people aren't annoyed by guerilla advertising like they are with traditional media, because their lives aren't saturated with it. Take this for an example, a guerilla campaign for an exhibit at the Calgary Zoo:

Sure, people may advertise on trash cans all the time. But what makes this cool is the fact that you take an ordinary, every day object and you turn it into something unexpected, something cool, something clever. Something people will remember. 

Something that'll make people do a double take
my favorite kind of advertising. =)

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